These are those I would dare call friend and ally. They are listed in no particular order and shortly each name shall link to a new page on which their full, or as much as they choose to give, descriptions shall rest. This is NOT a definative list and will most likely continue to grow and alter for years to come. I would like to state that most are listed under the faction I have originaly met them or what they are most notable for being a part of. Oh some of these names WILL repeat themselves as they are part of different orginizations and factions.


Those that I have met and know In Real Life.



Lord Steel


Solid Snake


Black Fire

Julian Emperor of the Raqptors




Jerimia Bullfrog



An excellent website that has almost anything on transformers you could want.


These are those I have met on the RPGs portion of the Forums.





Bahamut Neo




The Dommion of Monkeys. A bunch of screwy, but cool people

Unholy62: Co-Founder, Mechanic, Pimp, and Double Agent

Tigerhawk: Co-Founder, Weather Forecaster, Member List Updater, and Jaded Bastard

Oneiros : Master Assassin, Co-Owner of "Snowball in Hell" Fort

LightSlayer: Martial Arts Master, Oriental Guru, Dojo Head Trainer, and Comm-Officer

Cyrex: Holy Knight of the DoM, Master of the Forge

Sionyx : Resident Telepath, Official Coffee Maker and LightSlayer's Lieutenant

Prowl : Military Strategist and Mafia Liaison, Co-Owner of the "Snowball in Hell" Fort

Zabgoth : Ambassador and Necromancer

Dr Archeville: Mediator, Emperor of Fnord

Catwalk : Administrator of Axalon UnderGround

Panic : Theorist, Official Kicker Of Ass, and Torture Specialist

alleycat : DoM pilot and Computer Specialist

Starshooter: Sword Instructor, and Priestess of Cthulhu

Ne0 Rat : Demolitions, Espionage Agent, and Monkey Caretaker

Ramulus : Long-Range Scout, Gopher, Navigator, Tracker, and Doughnut Delivery Boy

The Vizer: Extension of Zab's greatness

Depth Charge: Plumber, Mafia Hitman, Underwater Ass Kicker

Hound99: Bartender

SlipBot : Chief Scientist, Keeper of> Flock of Flying Mutant Penguins

Cheetback: Bartender

Firefly: Dojo Kung Fu Trainer

Shadow Panther : Keeper of the Big Fuckers

BatCat : Master of the Insult

BladeWing : Disgruntled Postal Worker

INFERNO: Cajun Chef

Jade: Mistress of the Armory

OptimusJJ : Doorman

Cackle: ???

Serenity : Field Medic

Qmax3D: ???

Zenobia : ???

loaded_dragon : Official Tattoo Expert

Solo: Warmachine, DoM’s Lethal Enforcer at Large


The Fnord Empire. Originally a subfaction of the DoM that has grown its own orginization though the two (TFE and DoM) remain interlinked.

Dr. Archiville

Jagged Wing %



NU and UN

Neo Under grounders and the Unaligned. The Neo Undergrounders are a group of people dedicated tomaking more down to Earth and plot driven stories, as apposed to those that are just "hack-n-slash." The Unaligned are those who for one reason or another are not part of any other orginizations on the AUG.

Jagged Wing % NU

Deep Metal UN

Pitten UN

Galvatron UN

VockShadow (Wrath Claw) UN


Those I have met, "on the Net" such as through AIM chats and the like.



Those I've met in "other" places such as my own or other RPGs.



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