Why hurl yourself mindlessly into the infinity when you can use one of my gates to safely transort you to a new location? Of course… whilst I can ensure the trip is without harm I cannot ensure your safety beyond the gates portal. Have fun, and good luck.

The God Slayers

The Warhammer 40K house I helped found.

Axalon Underground

The AUG and my favorite place for transformers RPGing and discussion.

Axalon Forums

Axalon RPG

Games Workshop

The wonderful people that supplyied me with my legions of Chaos.

Road Busters Home page

The owner of a great email sim I've jioned.

Transformers Archives

Ok not the WHOLE thing but a place with a hell of alot of the comics.

The Fnord Empire

Here's the home page of the Fnord Empire.

The Predacon Base

Run by the Chaos God Unicron, this is were the Preds go while not slagging Maxis.

More to come

Retyurn to the Nexus